5 tips to maximize your conversion funnel

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5 tips to maximize your conversion funnel

Post by ayeshakh »

Andres Romero
CEO and Project Manager
March 15, 2016
By now, the conversion funnel is familiar to us, and not only to fill culinary tasks, but as a subject of online marketing and especially of inbound marketing. All of us who dedicate our lives to this world rack our brains trying to find magic formulas to win segmented traffic at the lowest price possible, that's why there are terms like Growth Hacking, which we have talked about before, and which I will try to delve into my knowledge.

The truth of all this is that there are so many random factors that is complicated to know how to screen them and differentiate them. We try to be gods with this matter of greece email list marketing, but we use to stay way far from it, despite we manage very interesting information that helps us to tune up our work. Our work consists in braiding a “spider web” a content spiral, of brand's image and customer's perception that makes the consumer to enter into the process that leads him/her towards the purchase of our product/service.

After de-kernelling some purchase process or another I came to some conclusions I would like you to know and hope they help you in this thing of conversion (sale):

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1 Identify the traffic generated to know what it is producing
2 Measure all the information generated in the purchase process
3 Know the visitor the best possible so as his/her position in the purchase process
4 Define what role the several devices play in every step of the purchase process
5 Close the funnel
6 Identify the traffic generated to know what it is producing
7 Measure all the information generated in the purchase process
8 Know the visitor the best possible so as his/her position in the purchase process
9 Define what role the several devices play in every step of the purchase process
10 Close the funnel


Identify the traffic generated to know what it is producing
Define the sources, the cost and productivity of these. Factors like the investment employed, the potentiation of some channels and the profit of these are crucial to not take the plunge into the game of the “eggs and baskets”.

Measure all the information generated in the purchase process
It is essential to collect reliable data over the complete booking process. The first step is to make sure that you can identify and separate each step, and that with all entry and exit routes of each step are captured and checked regularly.

Know the visitor the best possible so as his/her position in the purchase process
It sounds repetitive that of defining the type of customer, but it is important to know the most about your average customer and to know how we are working each step of the process to satisfy his/her needs. There are several tools to define him/her and we have a lot of information that supports our perception, on that just working and improving.
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