Meta description: This is where you can expand on the quick summary of the title and give the searcher some more information. This should also be kept short (usually less than 160 characters). Just a note, Google may occasionally auto-complete meta descriptions with text it finds on the site itself.
Pages within the website: These can also be accompanied by a quick mini meta description . Unfortunately, there is really no way to fully control which links Google displays here. These are usually the most visited pages (contact, job offers, most popular services…).
If none of what you've just read sounds familiar to you, but you don't give it much importance, it's time for you to take a look at our catalogue of excuses for not updating your website.
Many businesses don't realize that the most important result for Google is their own information , the one displayed on their Google My Business profile. This is the information that appears on the right side of a large screen, but ends up being the first in searches made from mobile.
There are photos there, but who took them? Why are they displayed? There are customer reviews. Why? How can I remove reviews from Google My Business? And are the opening hours, switchboard phone number, address correct?
All of this information can be partially edited by the owner of the brand or company, but it is always generated by Google. That is, whether you like it or not, there will be a Google My Business page with the name of your company. Therefore, it is essential, and even more so if your business has a physical location where customers are received, that you have control over its content.
If the site is not owned by a member of your list of colombia consumer email company, someone must claim and verify it. Once claimed and verified, it's time to optimize the page to make sure all information is accurate and complete. Upload your logo, images, a description, business hours, address, and contact phone number.
If your goal is to increase your business' visibility in local SEO and make it easier for your customers to find you, it is essential that your Google My Business listing is properly updated and that its content is optimized.

And by the way, comments from registered users are not editable or deletable.
3. Images and videos on Google
Google has been pushing image search for a while now , so it offers plenty of video and photo results on the first SERP screen. Again, this is content that may not be generated by your own brand. If an influencer has reviewed your products on YouTube, a specialist website or a supplier/customer has posted a photo of your business, they will be there. A number of other searches related to your business are also displayed, such as your services, your products or proper names of your business.