Avoid generic subject lines in your industrial marketing emails

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Avoid generic subject lines in your industrial marketing emails

Post by Arzina111 »

Don't forget to reserve the most important part of your communication for the top left of your email. Firstly, a personalised greeting, which will help to generate trust and, if you are going to offer content – ​​webinar, report, activity… – try to place its link at the top of the email so that it is easy to access.

In addition, you have to motivate them from the first visible elements of the email. One of the key points is that the sender is recognizable or easily identifiable . This generates trust in the recipient. Therefore, in the “From” line, avoid generic email addresses – such as noreply. In that case, the degree of interaction will be almost zero.

A word of advice: only use your name if you are sure that the recipient will recognize it without hesitation or if there is a previous relationship. It is best to use your company name or trademark so chile email address that your customers or potential customers can see your email communications at a glance.

A very suggestive motif that will make a difference and spark interest in the recipient will be the “ Subject ”.

The email you send to the head of department or a worker assigned to the industrial process of a B2B company should stand out because of its header. The goal we seek is to encourage them to open the email.


Keep in mind that if the subject line is generic, bland and without substance, you will have the opposite effect: you will discourage your recipient and the email will end up in their trash. An effective email will include technical information, instructions, relevant articles highlighting the particularities and benefits of a product or service or specific activities that will be beneficial for the recipient.

The subject line should be compelling, be oriented to inform, but also encourage action . It is recommended that they be composed of subjects and verbs that incite action. A good example are the headlines of news in the media. They will give you an idea of ​​how you can attract attention, since they summarize in a few words the most relevant information.
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