One of the most outstanding benefits of webinars is the data integration function with the CRM. We are interested in capturing qualified leads, yes, but we are also interested in them being recorded in the tool we usually use . Having all the valuable information in our CRM will allow us to automate processes in a very fluid way. In the case of HubSpot software , we can create the landing page, the form and the welcome workflow with all the access information to the webinar from the platform itself.
Depending on the webinar tool we use, we can extract valuable statistics on whether the contact has attended the webinar or not, how long they have been active, their participation, etc. All of this will allow the sales team to detect the most interested leads , follow up on them and build a business relationship.
We cannot extract all this valuable information from face-to-face events, where we can only know the total number of attendees and little else. In this case, the strategy and tools allow us to list of chile consumer email delve deeper into valuable data to better qualify the lead.

As an addition to all of the above, you should consider taking advantage of the webinar to keep it alive after it has taken place . If you record your webinar, you can use it as content to generate leads for much longer. This will allow you to add extra content to your inbound strategy, as it can not only be useful for a specific moment but can also be used as a resource to reach more people and continue capturing leads.
Aligning the webinar with your overall inbound marketing strategy will allow you to achieve good returns thanks to the capture of leads and their conversion . If done professionally and correctly, it is the perfect format to offer relevant and quality content to our potential clients. It will help your business to be more competitive in the digital environment and remain active despite the uncertainty that surrounds us.
If you want to take advantage of the opportunity to get closer to your professional buyers and define a content strategy with webinars, at Bannister Global we are specialists and we can help you achieve this.