How long did it take you to solve the problem you had?
How would you rate the treatment you received?
Do you have any comments to make?
Questions aimed at determining the level of customer loyalty may also fall into this category , such as:
Would you recommend our products to other people?
How likely are you to buy our products again?
Here we can also include questions related to the web user experience :
Do you easily find the information you are looking for on our website?
How can we improve your experience on our website?
Positioning against the competition
Knowing where we stand in relation to burundi email address our competition can offer us very valuable information for the business, consider these questions for your customer satisfaction survey if that is your goal:
Compared to the competition, is the quality of our products better, worse, or similar?
Why did you choose our product instead of a similar one?
If you think of similar products, what is your rating for our brand?
What products do you find in other brands that you don't find in ours?
Once you've created your survey, it's time to launch it. You need to choose the right moment , depending on the buyer phase the recipient is in. It wouldn't make sense to send a product satisfaction survey to someone who has just subscribed to your blog, for example. Or send it to a customer who hasn't used your products or services for years.
A good time to send a survey could be after an extended interaction with the sales team, a couple of weeks after the purchase, or annually to measure overall customer satisfaction.