Do you need a hassle-free performance monitoring solution for your WordPress website? Try Kinsta APM . It’s designed to allow you to find and resolve performance issues on your Kinsta-hosted sites. With a simple and easy-to-use UI, Kinsta APM is for everyone, whether beginners or experts. Plus, it’s available in 10 languages in MyKinsta.
Kinsta APM provides insights into slow PHP transactions, external requests, MySQL queries , and more. You can debug database queries, unoptimized themes or plugins, and longer API calls and external URL requests, as well as identify the slowest, average, and median transactions.
It's useful for everyone from agencies and e-commerce site benin phone number data owners to developers, helping them quickly find and fix performance issues while reducing your spending on expensive APM tools.
Features and benefits
Support Team : With over ten years of experience, Kinsta’s seasoned support team will resolve all of your site’s issues with 24/7 availability and a 100% resolution rate. You can chat with them directly through MyKinsta and get instant responses.
Pricing : The tool is free for all websites hosted by Kinsta, regardless of the plan you’ve chosen. You can also request a live demo to test the performance yourself.