100%. But the impact of this is that it feeds a lot of tinfoil hattery and simplistic take on research, which is suboptimal. In the end, I think it's doing more harm than good. Not because of the information it contains, but because of how it's going to be spun and interpreted."
Veteran SEO Opinions
Long-time search marketing experts Trevor Stolber and Kristine Schachinger noted that the data appeared outdated, with many files dating back to 2019. They noted that there was nothing revolutionary or new about the information, suggesting it was an old, unused codebase.
Trevor Stolber posted:
It's from an outdated codebase.
It's not actually their ranking algorithm; it's an API used internally.
Good production code documentation would specify ranges and values - I don't see any of that here.
Google does not use DA (Domain Authority) - DA is an analogue greece whatsapp number database to PR (Page Rank) which was Google's most prominent differentiator.
Kristine Schachinger commented :
"I've been reading through the raw dump and they're all dated 2019 and there's literally nothing to be gleaned from 90% of the pages."
Analysis of the sector leaders
Brett Tabke, founder of PubCon and WebmasterWorld, spent a lot of time analyzing the data. He came to the conclusion that the data was not a leak from Google's ranking algorithm, but rather documentation for API calls, with no direct relevance to website rankings.
Brett Tabke's remarks (paraphrased):
This is not a leak.
There is nothing in it that is directly related to the algorithm, but rather are API calls.
He found nothing to indicate that the data could be used as part of a classification algorithm.
Conclusions: Where are the facts?
There is growing recognition in the SEO community that this alleged leak is not the groundbreaking revelation some had hoped for. It is not an algorithm data dump, but rather an outdated API document. Many experts agree that it is more of a distraction than a source of actionable information.
Ash Nallawalla, an enterprise SEO expert, commented:
"As I've said several times, it's simply an API document with a list of calls and not a code dump of anything. At most, we can learn some more internal Google terminology."
Final thoughts: