This series of emails:

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This series of emails:

Post by rumana777 »

Welcomes followers by telling them who you are, what you believe in, and what you can do for them.

Tell them exactly what to expect from being on your email list.

Highlights some of your best content

Tells about your other channels (Facebook, Instagram, Vkontakte, etc.).

Emails sent during the conversion stage and the excitement stage follow the same strategy:

Make a subscriber convert into a customer

This can be done by offering the product at the lowest cost or a trial period.

At Digital Expert, we do just that. We send 3-10 emails over 3-15 days.

Important note: These emails only contain 1 call to action rcs data romania and no more than 3 identical links per email. This ensures that the messages are delivered to our subscribers and ensures that ISPs (like Gmail, etc.) do not mark us as spam.

Once a subscriber converts into a customer, we want them to upgrade from our low-cost product to our higher-cost product. This is the “Transition” stage, and our emails will be aimed at increasing the value of that customer. We do this through our “Transition” or “Activation” email series.

This is when we bridge the gap between what someone already knows about our product line and what they will get from the next step. We send 3-5 emails over 3-7 days and make sure to mention the fact that they have purchased the product or have tried it.

And once we've shown a customer the value of purchasing one of our higher-tier products, we want them to start evangelizing about how well that product works for them. We're fortunate to have products that double our customers' business, easily moving them through the "defensive stage" and into the "Consumer Decision Journey."

At these stages, you will offer your clients:

Affiliate offers

Joint proposals

Referral programs

Loyalty programs

3 Types of Emails

There are 3 types of emails that we can use. This classification allows you to categorize every email you have ever sent.

The first is transactional emails. These are typically sent by your customer service team and cover:



Login credentials

Billing Notifications

Cancellation requests


While transactional emails tend to be very dry, there is no reason to keep them that way. You can brand these emails to suit your business, congratulating customers on their purchase in the best way that fits your branding choices.

The second type of email is Relational Email, and it is usually:

Weekly newsletters

Contents of emails

Product updates

Anything designed to develop your relationship with your subscribers

Relational emails are a great way to remind your subscribers and customers how amazing you are by providing free services.

The third type of emails are advertising emails:

Drive immediate sales and qualified leads to your sales team.

Often written by your figurative leader or whoever it is.

For example, our promotional emails are written from Vladimir and even sent from him, although we have our copywriters doing the actual writing (he's a seriously busy man).

So transactional, relational and promotional emails will be the category that all your emails fall into. From there, depending on whether you send the email manually or automate the sending of the email, you will classify them as email blasts and follow-ups:
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