If sending the right message, to the right person, at the right time is the essence of an effective customer experience personalization strategy , it is clear that knowing your typical user/customer in depth is the key to implementing the most effective and rewarding activities and choosing the best performing channels based on your target users/customers.
Buyer personas: what data to use and how?
Demographic list of anguilla consumer email characteristics, interests and preferences, goals and difficulties of the potential customer and much more: if we wanted to create the profile of our buyer personas from scratch, there is really a lot of data and information that we would have to use.

Very often, however, we tend to stop at the personal data alone to create, for example, the targets of our campaigns (think for example of the ads we create on Facebook), forgetting, instead, that what makes the difference are the qualitative data that do not emerge at a first analysis : values, anxieties, fears, frustrations, purchasing habits, or all that information that allows us to know our typical customers in depth.
So market research, data analysis platforms such as Google Analytics, Facebook Audiences, represent only a part of the tools we can use: the most interesting data often comes from a direct comparison with real customers , from surveys and focus groups , as well as from the comparison with all the company functions involved in the sales process , from the sales department to the customer care department.
Here are some examples of fundamental data to collect: