Myers and Briggs, the creators of the MBTI test, which austria b2b leads is the main subject of the article, were inspired by Carl Jung's theory of psychological types and improved the theory during the Second World War to meet the requirements of the time, and thus the term "Myers-Briggs Type Indicator" was born. The purpose of the test was this: on the basis of the test, to determine the individual personal preferences of people in the workplace and to select women who should replace the men who went to the army in the workplace. Through this test, they will be able to show their true worth and talent. The psychological tests that appeared in later times are based on this theory. Myers and Briggs believed that by helping people understand themselves, they could help them choose careers that best fit their personality types and lead healthier, happier lives.

Of course, no test can measure all aspects of personality and does not fully describe the individual. However, MBTI is a tool for summarizing the characteristics of large groups in a relatively small number of useful descriptors. When working in a group at work, for example, it can be very useful to recognize your own strengths and understand the strengths of others. While the project is working, you can understand what certain members of the group are skilled and talented at doing. By understanding these differences, the group can better assign tasks and work together to achieve their goals. For this purpose, MBTI assessment is mostly used by human resource specialists, "coaches" and consultants, as well as career counselors and pedagogues for various purposes.
How is the MBTI different from other tests?
First, the MBTI is not really a "test". There is no right or wrong answer and the result you get is no better than other types. The purpose of the indicator is not to assess mental health or to make any diagnosis. Also, unlike many other psychological assessments, your results are not compared to any norms.