Companies offer additional benefits to the coverage of this mandatory insurance, the price of which has dropped 20% in one year.
Free car inspection, replacement driver service at a reduced price, towing, medical care and even home services for electrical faults or plumbing work are some of the 'extras' offered by companies with the Mandatory Traffic Accident Insurance ( SOAT ) that they sell.
This product, unlike vehicle insurance, is mandatory for owners . "Its function is to protect victims of accidents, who could suffer serious injuries or even death," says Richard Mauricci, manager of Vehicles and SOAT at Rímac .
The coverage of find your number screening this insurance has been established in Law No. 27181 and includes medical and burial expenses and compensation for disability and death up to five UIT (S/.18,250).
MORE ADVANTAGES For light vehicles, the price ranges between S/.100 and S/.115 per year, says Gustavo Cerdeña, general manager of La Positiva . According to Rímac, the value of this insurance has decreased 20% in the last 12 months.
Sardinia notes that lower accident rates have contributed to the reduction in prices. Currently, this indicator is at 52.6% (according to the SBS ). A few years ago it was between 76% and 78%.
Five companies sell SOAT in the country: Mapfre, La Positiva, Interseguro, Pacífico and Rímac, which, given the uniformity in the design of the coverage of this insurance, have chosen to offer additional benefits to attract more customers.
In addition to the advertised delivery, there are companies that have implemented free services or that offer discounted prices on mechanical assistance, emergency care, locksmith services, car washing and even legal advice.
Mauricci warns that, although every vehicle in Peru must have this protection, 600,000 circulate without it in Lima and in the interior of the country .