The Internet has optimized even the purchasing mechanism - we order clothes, equipment, food online, use various services. We look at all this as consumers.
What if you look at the Internet from a business chinese overseas europe phone number list perspective? You can become those people who provide services online!Startup CreationThe Internet is an excellent platform for realizing your bold ideas.
In this article we will tell you how to implement your idea and create a startup on the Internet.
An Internet startup has several peculiarities, but in general its implementation is the same as any other project.
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In the beginning, there was an idea. It must be unique and creative, otherwise you are simply not making a startup. Sometimes it seems that creating something new is simply impossible, but it is not so. Focus on the needs of society (read - target audience), make connections, think of how to make life even easier with the help of the Internet.
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Then the team came. Considering that to create an Internet startup you need programmers, testers and designers, we have two ways:
a team of like-minded people
In the first case, we hire a team of specialists and pay them money. Whether these are remote freelancers or a full-fledged team working together, it's up to you to decide.
Read about how to select a teamHere.
Important: understand that Internet startups are a very flexible business that changes based on user interests. At some point, the concept that the investor signed up for may go in a completely different direction. You will come up with something new for the project, change the focus. And the investor will not be ready for such a risk.
Discuss such details in advance.
If the money for a brilliant startup hasn’t found you yet, it means that you’ve already inspired a couple of friends with your idea, who are ready to work for some time on pure enthusiasm.
In this case, to successfully realize your Internet dream, it is important to consider:
rules. Yes, in life your partners are friends, but when working on a startup, make a list of agreements, goals, rules, responsibilities, deadlines, expected income. This will help avoid conflicts that can lead to the failure of the project.
motivation. The team is working for the future, and results will not come quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly motivate the developers.
It also happens that no matter how you motivate a person, he/she fails to meet deadlines. Such people are not needed in a team. We say goodbye.
attraction. Who and how can you attract to create a startup, besides your friends?
Attract professionals, you don't have time to train anyone. At the same time, pay more attention to skills than experience. Attract ambitious students. The developments they will make within the startup will serve as material for the portfolio. This is a great motivator for the team.

Key points for promoting an internet startup:
Focus on the client. We have already mentioned this in the context of the idea's inception, but you cannot lose clients at the moment of promotion either.
Any Internet project should be as simple as possibleusability, to comply with global trends. If a user comes to the site, downloads the application and does not intuitively understand what is what - he leaves. And it is not the potential client who will be stupid, but you.
Don't be afraid to change. If you look at the work of cool digital and IT companies in 2007, you will be horrified by their design and minimal capabilities. In 2017, their work is at the height of modern technologies and trends. This means that companies follow the development of web design and programming, grasp all innovations on the fly.
This means that you should do the same. Conservatism is not in fashion. It is necessary to constantly invent and add new features.
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More creativity. There are countless websites and mobile applications. In order to be recognized, you need to stand out. The first tool for this is used at the idea stage - targeting the target audience and uniqueness. Particular attention should be paid to the media campaign - where and on what platforms to place advertising, what the key message will be and what the presentation will be. Also study content marketing well andemail marketing. Or hire a specialist to join your team.