Please note that if there is distrust between partners, the business is almost certainly doomed to failure.
Choosing a person to accompany us in the process of forming a company and become the owner of a percentage of its shares is not an easy task nor should it be taken lightly, since it will be one of the most important decisions of your life as an entrepreneur.
The first thing to consider in this selection process is that a friend is not necessarily going to be the best option , says the coordinator of the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurial Development of the PUCP, Julio Vela.
"My partner, for example, does not conduit cn number screening necessarily have to share my dreams or think like me, so it may not be a good decision to choose him or her ," he says.
The expert advises looking for a partner who likes to sell, take care of production, control finances and is active in the company . "We should not expect to form our partnership among equals, but rather look for someone who complements us," he recommends.
CLARITY Vela suggests that you put in writing, through a contract, what you expect from your partner and what his or her participation in the company will be.
"It must be very clear whether you are only going to put up money, whether you are going to work with us and what your commitment will be," he says.
This measure, he explains, will help to avoid future confrontations in the event that each member of the association decides to go their own way.
Another point to consider is that not everyone thinks like you, so rather than trying to impose an idea, allow your partner to make some proposals or provide solutions that benefit the business.
"If you try to make everyone do things the way you would, frustration will result," he says.