Make your goals for 2013

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Make your goals for 2013

Post by Himon2413 »

Having a budget each month will allow you to get your finances in order and save some money.


The year is almost over and before you think about where you will welcome 2013, it is advisable to set your financial goals for the next 12 months .
Professor Richard Díaz Chuquipiondo, from the lebanon number screening Universidad San Martín de Porres, suggests making a list of the goals you want to achieve and being strict about meeting them .
"Think of something you want, but it's difficult to get because of financial factors . Then, set a goal to get it by the end of 2013 and you'll see that you'll work harder and save more to get it," he says.
Díaz, also director of the website ommends making a list of unnecessary expenses you made in 2012 that you can eliminate next year.
"If you feel like you can't stop yourself from spending and shopping non-stop, it's best to seek professional help," she says.
GET RID OF DEBT For ESAN University Finance professor Jorge Guillén, the first thing you should do in the new year is try to eliminate debt .
It suggests that if you are going to receive profits or bonuses, it will be fruitful to think, from now on, in what you can invest that money .
The expert says that if you are one of those people who spends your money on vanities, it is time to change your habits .
"We must start the year thinking about what we can invest in. Savings and term deposits are not the only options . We can allocate the money to mutual funds or to the stock market," he says.
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