Learn about the new AFP commissions

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Learn about the new AFP commissions

Post by Himon2413 »

The arrival of Habitat has revived competition and benefits users with lower charges.


If you are a worker who decided to join a pension fund administrator ( AFP ), you should know that, since last June, these companies have two different ways of charging workers for safeguarding their contributions.
One is the old scheme, which consists of applying a discount to the salary , and the other – created with the reform of the system – is the mixed payment (which includes a discount from the salary and a discount from the accumulated fund).
The first form of payment is the iran number screening so-called commission on salary and is applied to all workers who between January and May have applied to remain under this modality. According to the AFP, there were about 2 million .
The new payment is the so-called commission on the fund and came into effect in June, both for workers who are entering this system for the first time and for those who were already affiliated but preferred to migrate.
CHANGE OF OUTLOOK Another impact of the reform is the start of operations of the Chilean AFP Habitat , which won the right to affiliate those who opt for this system, for the first time, for two years. This firm obtained this privilege after offering the lowest charge in the new commission (on the fund) and, just a few days ago, announced that it will also offer the lowest rate in the old commission (on the salary).
Following its sale, AFP Horizonte will cease to exist between September and October of this year. Its members have already been assigned to Integra and Profuturo, the administrators that bought it.
Although this is only the first part of the aforementioned reform, it has already caused all AFPs operating in the country to announce the reduction –in both commission schemes– of the money they charge their members each month.
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