So what is the role of the HR Manager?

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So what is the role of the HR Manager?

Post by pappu9268 »

Depending on the nature of the company, the business decisions that are chosen will be, that is, the company's reason for being: its vision, mission and objectives, which will make the Human Resources Manager a strategic partner within the company in order to achieve the objectives, in such a way that he will analyze how to structure it/organizational levels: it will be determined how the company will function, whether it will be vertical or traditional, an organization by product, organization by client, organization by areas of knowledge, organization by projects, organization by processes and organization by business units.

Likewise, it will analyze the level of technological advancement in which the organization wishes to be immersed, since it becomes a distinctive and competent seal, and although it favors productivity, it results in many cases in the Human Resources Director facing a reduction in jobs because technology tends to displace them. Unfortunately, no company can remain on the sidelines of technology because it is outside of all competition.

I recommend you read: Productivity and innovation in workforce management .

On the other hand, depending on the company, greater globalization implies greater tunisia phone number competition, which in turn implies pressure to be “world class”: reducing costs, making workers more productive, seeking “quality,” that is, doing things better and at a lower cost. Many companies even move highly qualified positions abroad, such as sales supervisors, general managers, and human resources managers.

Another extremely important aspect that the Human Resources Director must analyze and take into account is the type of working population under his/her charge:

Baby Boomers (1946-1964) - those currently between approximately 53 and 71 years old - will be evaluating workers who are close to retirement, key positions that will need to be replaced, so how qualified are the prospects to fill those positions?
Generation X (1965-1978): Those currently between approximately 39 and 52 years old: analyze the growth opportunities within the company for staff in this age range, so you should design growth plans and replacement templates.
Generation Y or Millennials (1979-1996): those who are currently between 21 and 38 years old approximately: currently this generation represents a great challenge for organizations, given that they are people with little attachment to them, without interest in staying for years and making a career in them, and with a high desire to move between companies with the desire to learn something new. Others prefer not to be tied to strict schedules and prefer flexible hours. Likewise, we must consider that among Millennials we find people with a taste for entrepreneurship, who, if detected, can also be useful to the company as strategic partners. I recommend you also read: Why do millennials leave companies?
In conclusion, the role of the Human Resources Director goes beyond being a simple “personnel administrator” to becoming and being respected within the organization as a strategic partner, whose point of view within the high-level executive boards represents an important weight.
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